Fortunately, I have been lucky. Every crate of books I've opened has yielded at least a dozen really good books, some of which are worth hundreds of pounds (it's shocking to think that these titles used to be dumped on landfill sites) and the sales have been really good. As a result, I am now managing a growing department.
This is obviously a 'good thing', but I do have slightly mixed feelings. I love wading through crates of old books and as the sales increase, I seem to be spending an increasing amount of time filling in spreadsheets, dealing with enquiries and managing people. I'm not complaining. I have a really good team and it's great to see the project go from strength to strength, but I don't want to completely lose contact with the books, particularly gems like these:

The Onanism title was produced by a Catholic publisher (I'm not an expert on these matters, but if you're going to demand clerical celibacy, is it really fair to stop priests taking the law into their own hands?). Like being left-handed, the aim of this book is to make people feel bad about what comes naturally.
As for the two remaining jackets, they're a refreshing change from the predictable designs of modern book covers. They may be the work of madmen, but at least they're not dull.
As my department gets bigger, the number of strange book jackets and intriguing bookmarks I come across will diminish, but all hope is not lost. I appear to have recruited some like-minded peple who also appreciate the joys of garish covers and mysterious ephemera, so I hope that they'll furnish me (and you) with further gems.
Disturbing eyes on that 'Gay'.
Wonderful! Here's a garish modern cover in the spirit of the gay mortician:
I sympathise with your sadness Steerforth, but am conversly thrilled to know you are becoming a victim of your own success like this.
And the like-minded colleagues surely don't go amiss either.
Sublime titles by the way - do sublime titles tend to raise a high price in their own right? I do hope so. This little handful has got to be worth its weight in gold, surely?
Shocked to hear about the landfill fate. Thank goodness you came to the rescue. Well of some of them at least.
Thanks JRSM - I shall now have nightmares of Jessica Bel swirling towards me as a giant face - swastika...
James - thanks for that link. I'd love to know:
a. How someone could design such a hideous cover
b. What possessed someone in publishing to give it the tumbs-up
Are they now working at Tutis?
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