From The Strand Magazine, October 1906:

As recommended by Countess Seckendorff of Berlin and Mr Lewis of Pontygwaith. In another advert, an English countess says 'Your Trilene Tablets act admirably.'
How times have changed. Nobody would fall for an advert like that today, would they?
I'm in Coventry for the weekend and cannot help noticing that approximately one in every two people appears to be obese.
I'm sure it wasn't half as bad when I lived here as a teenager, but it seems that the more diet and health programmes there are on TV, the more beer guts appear in the street - even on the men.
So much for all women attempting to emulate size 0 supermodels. Not in Coventry they're not. They are keeping the anti-chaffing ointment industry in business.
Reminds me of another Wells: HG Well's Tono Bungay. Seems snake oil is still a lucrative line of business....
Sssh - I'm tempted with new product that makes you need a bathroom with some urgency...Gullible moi?
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