Intrigued, my wife asked what the black area represented.
"That's my dark side."
He wouldn't explain further. I shall be keeping an eye on this and if you live in the Sussex area, I would avoid shopping malls in eight years' time.
It deepens like a coastal shelf
That's ok, I can't see him running very fast with those legs!
Perhaps he was a shot down airship captain in a previous life & he's never really got over it.
I read an interesting reincarnationist theory the other day which suggested that a whole generation of nihilistic young hoodies on drugs and with no respect for society are actually WW1 soldiers come back to wreak their revenge on a society which promised them adventure and cheated them of their lives for dubious result.
What a wonderfully mad theory!
I think he'll go far.....
It's the empty eyes that scare me.
LOL...teen angst come early...or you have a few rocky ahead
When I was about twelve years old, in my art class we were given an assignment to paint a picture with three human figures in it.
My choice - why, it seems so natural! - was to have two police officers trying to talk down a potential suicide from the side of a building. I think my art teacher must have been so horrified by the concept that she failed to criticise the shoddy composition or feeble execution. But if the school psychologist was ever called in to investigate, I never heard about it.
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