Monday, May 19, 2014

The Minty Biscuit

What starts off as a fairly dull radio phone-in about disabled car stickers suddenly changes gear, thanks to a gentleman called Barry:


  1. That is so funny. My husband and I listen to talkback radio a lot here in Australia and we often talk about the regular callers in and how funny they are but this one takes the cake...or, erm, should I say the biscuit...the chocolate minty one.

  2. Poor ol' darlin' -- is he really safe to be driving at all, blue badge or not?

    There's a lot of disregarding of handicapped spaces in the US, too. The people who used to annoy me were to ones who would park in the fire lane, so they'd be closer to the front door of the health club, even though there were dozens of legal parking spots a bit farther away! The reason these people no longer annoy me, is because the health club finally went out of business!

  3. I love that Pam totally understands Barry. It's quite the dilemma. I mean, it's a very nice biscuit.

  4. I want a biscuit now. The blue one, not the orange. Still gigglingz

  5. I like the orangey ones. :-p

  6. Was it plain chocolate or milk chocolate? I'd like a minty biscuit with plain chocolate but not a minty biscuit with milk chocolate. I'd like it in a green foil wrapper to show me that it was minty. That would be very nice.

  7. Hilarious! Love the way Barry owns up to eating the minty biscuit his wife loves and feels a bit guilty about parking in the blue badge space because the biscuits are not all for his wife and Pat is so reassuring. Priceless!

  8. Dave.4:09 pm

    This is almost too good to be true... and is actually a character - Barry from Watford - played by Alex Lowe.

    He's a regular guest on Steve Wright and first appeared on Ian Lees show a few years back.

    I wonder if the topic is genuine and the lady speaking is also in on the joke? The fact that she was so polite to Barry and accepted his biscuit needs absolutely is quite remarkable!

    I'd probably not have stayed quite as composed if Barry had been discussing this with me....

  9. Yes, Barry isn't real, but minty biscuit addiction is a very real problem that I have faced myself during a troubled period in my past. It was always Viscounts, not Yo-Yos. I'm not sure whether the difference lay in the taste or the more aristocratic associations of the former, which perhaps compensated for the diminished circumstances of my daily life.

    In some ways I wish I'd never heard this recording, because Barry's description was so sensual and evocative. I'm salivating at the mere thought of removing the foil wrapper. It's only a matter of time before a relapse.

  10. Imagine being Barry's sister-in-law.The family get togethers ....

  11. At first I thought it was a mingy biscuit.

  12. Getting away with parking on a blue badge without being disabled, Id say his a JAMMY DODGER

  13. Getting away with parking on a blue badge without being disabled, Id say his a JAMMY DODGER

  14. Getting away with parking on a blue badge without being disabled, Id say his a JAMMY DODGER
