Thursday, January 31, 2013


The snow has melted, but it has been replaced by widespread flooding and my journey to work makes me feel as if I'm driving an amphibious car:

The music just happened to be on, but it fits (although it would have been a lot more fun if I'd put on the James Bond theme).

My cowshed is damper than ever and I seem to spend an increasing amount of time wiping spores off books. It's odd how some books are completely unaffected by the damp, whilst others look as if they're the remaining artefacts of a civilisation that was wiped out centuries ago, warped and covered in mold.

But it's not all bad. Today is the first day that the farm dog hasn't tried to attack me. I feel accepted at last.


  1. You need acid free paper...for the car that is..

  2. More like blotting paper!

  3. Lets hope the farm dog isn't simply contenting himself with pissing on your stock after you leave.

  4. Great comment Rog. Made me laugh.

    (Hope it dries out soon Steerforth...)

  5. Rog - That would explain a lot.

    Actually, at the moment the dog just leaves a carefully positioned present for me outside the door, which I always forget to look out for.

  6. Just to say that I am glad I found your blog. Lots of interesting stuff - so I've blogged about your blog.

  7. Cool ! I like it.
