Monday, December 31, 2012

Annus Discendi

According to Microsoft, it's my "special day, so enjoy it. And don't forget to share what you're doing today with the friends in your life". At some point in the past, I must have lied to them about my date of birth - I was born in March. But like birthdays, today is a time of reflection and looking forward.

I can't say that I have particularly enjoyed 2012. Some years leave you with a store of fond memories - a montage of days out, meetings with friends and personal achievements - but  this one was largely defined by illness and uncertainty. The most positive thing I could say about 2012 is that it has been a year of learning.

However, the year wasn't without its positive moments. On the plus side, I worked here during the summer:

I also enjoyed a magical evening in Seville:

Wandering around an almost-deserted Alcázar Palace in the early evening, more than made up for the terrifying drive through the back streets of the city centre.

But apart from a few very enjoyable drinks with old friends, I did very little this year. I intend to make up for lost time in 2013.

One plan for next year that has been shelved is our decision to get a dog. The border terrier that stayed with us during the summer has come for Christmas, but after an emotional reunion, my oldest son has shown little interest in taking it out for walks - having a dog in winter is clearly less appealing. When, on Christmas Day, he solemnly annouced that he'd changed his mind about getting a dog, I felt a huge sense of relief - 2013 already looks good.

I'll finish this very brief post by saying a sincere thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this blog. Whoever you are, wherever you are, I wish you health and happiness in 2013.


  1. And the same to you. Thank goodness he made the choice now, otherwise, guess who would have been on 'walkies' duty next year.

  2. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures though it was your old photos that drew me to youe blog inthe first place.

  3. And a very happy unbirthday to you!

  4. I enjoy your blog and read it regularly even though I rarely (if ever!) comment. All the very best for 2013. (And I'm glad you're getting a dog.)

  5. Anonymous7:18 pm

    Health and happiness to you also.

    Thanks for your enjoyable blog. Read every posting but am not articulate enough to make meaningful comments, though that doesn't mean you are not appreciated.

  6. I'm sorry you're not getting a dog.

    But your thoughtful and incisive posts have been much enjoyed throughout the year.

    Here's to an exciting and sociable 2013!

  7. Health & happiness to you and yours, too, Steerforth. xoxo

  8. Nell - I was already doing the 'walkies'. The worst moment was in August, when we had two dogs and my wife sudddenly fell ill, leaving me in charge of everything. Never again!

    Lorna - I'll try to find more photos this year, as I love discovering old albums.

    Séamus - A very happy 2013 to you.

    Judith - Thank you for reading and all the best for 2013 to you. I'm sorry to disappoint you though, but we're not getting a dog.

    Anon - Your comments would be very welcome and I'm sure they'd be very articulate. Thank you for breaking the silence and commenting on this occasion - a very happy new year to you.

    Rog - I know you're a dog lover, but I hope you'll appreciate that our decision to not get a dog was the right one. My older son was the only person who actively wanted a pet (his brother was strongly against it) and when his commitment started to flag, it became clear that we should abandon the idea. I'd hate to have an unwanted pet.

    Carol - A very happy 2013 to you too!

  9. I've been lurking for the past eight months or so. You write a wonderful blog; please continue. Happy new year!

  10. I am another of these regular readers who almost never comments, but I'll take this opportunity to express my appreciation of your posts. I always look forward to reading them. Wishing you and your family all the best for the new year.

  11. Happy New Year, Steerforth! Good news about the dog. Winter is the ultimate test when it comes to showing commitment to man's best friend.

  12. zungg - I love your profile pic! I feel a bit like that this morning, having seen 2013 in with my neighbours.

    Karyn - And I look forward to more of the excellent A Penguin a Week - you have created a wonderful and unique archive of reviews. All the best for 2013!

    Martin - Happy New Year to you too! You're right about winter. Perhaps every prospective dog owner should have to look after one for a week or two in winter to get a sense of what it really involves.

    I'm not anti-dog, but with a 'special needs' child (a phrase I hate using), life is demanding enough. The prospect of having more duties and sleep interruptions was making me feel quite depressed, so I'm very glad this episode is over.

    We're still doing the 'farm therapy', so my son will have regular contact with animals, including dogs.

  13. Happy New Year, Steerforth. Get a dog. For you. There's nothing like a dog at you feet while you work, and nothing better than the ideas that come to you during the obligatory walks.

    All the best for 2013.

  14. Life does throw up some challenging curve balls sometimes. It is better to look forward... Here' s to 2013....and more ruminations.

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