Saturday, January 14, 2012

Doris Lessing reacts to Nobel win

This amused me:


  1. Thank you for posting this.!!

    I missed the news myself and am delighted.

    Gosh I love seeing here and am curious too who the man holding the onions is???

    I have been a Doris Lessing fan for over forty years. Mostly of her earlier work though.

  2. Art for artichokes' sake.

  3. A friend who lives in Belsize Park, near Lessing, says that the Hampstead and Highgate Gazette, the local paper, greeted the news with a headline reading 'Local Woman Wins Lottery'. Two literary ladies who picked up a copy then agreed, 'Oh God, there goes the neighbourhood.'

    It ought to be true.

  4. boy do I feel dumb. I googled this and she won in 2007. Oh well I really liked seeing her anyway.

  5. I think she was in her 88th year when she received this (2007). At that age it's probably quite natural to wonder what all the fuss is about. If only she had tried to pay the cabbie with an artichoke. That would have made it perfect.

  6. Well what did they expect, doorstopping the poor woman before she even had a chance to get inside, pop to the loo, have a cup of tea etc. How rude can you get?

    I like the way she shrugged it off as if it were almost an inconvenience though, rather than an accolade most writers would kill for!

    I would have said the young man with her was her carer, except he looked in a worse state of health than she did!

  7. Love the artichoke and onions too - looks like a nice meal was to be had that evening!

  8. I think when one reaches Ms. Lessing's age, one should be able to say whatever one likes. I thought her candor was refreshing, but I agree that she certainly had some interesting shopping. I wonder what she will make with the artichoke and the onions? Is there a new recipe that I should be trying?
