Monday, September 26, 2011

Caption Competition

My favourite finds from this afternoon:

Most of my captions are too rude to repeat.

Any suggestions?


  1. A bumper crop Steerforth. What a find!

  2. These covers hardly leave one dreaming up tasteful/tame captions. Who wrote the original titles - Finbarr Saunders?

    Susan Interferes - "Only *this* long you say, Susan? Is THAT why I now have 2 mummies?"

    A School Goes to Scotland - "Come on Fanny, Mr Hefner gets a flight back to the USA in the morning. He'll never work his way through us lot...

    Terry's Thrilling Term - I think they call it "cottaging" Peter, don't be scared.

    Pleasant Burden - No Carol, my wife's are DEFINITELY bigger.

    The Splendid Savage - "No, I'm not Tony Hadley of Spandau Ballet fame - OK?"
    "Honestly, no matter where I go..."

    Careers for Girls - "'Brothel Manager' has been my most satisfying and rewarding role so far".

  3. Yeah. I'm with you, Steerforth. There are just too many landmines buried here for me to start hopping about. Must . . . resist. These illustrators are nothing short of devious. At least, I hope that's it.

  4. Terry's Thrilling Term - "When I pull this string, he stands on his own, walks and talks."

  5. There was a Hamilton cartoon years ago in the New Yorker, with two small boys walking along, one saying very authoritatively to the other, 'Bludgeon of Doom was a good movie, but Flaming Eyeball of Death was a great movie.'

  6. Sorry, that comment was supposed to go on the post before this one. Life's so difficult when you're a bit dim.

  7. Pleasant Burden: 'Honestly Pam,' Basil ejaculated, 'lots of gels take their clothes off for artists.'

  8. Careers for Girls: Sorry dear, Bradley does the drawings.

    Susan Interferes: Susan, if you don't stop rubbing my sister's thigh, I'm going to fill you full of lead.

  9. In the words of my son's primary school teacher:

    "You're all winners!"

  10. Just think, Steerforth - from now on you'll be able to put this stuff up on your blog and sell it to us as well!

  11. I usually try not to mix business with pleasure, but it it's my business, it will be a pleasure ;)

  12. Anonymous2:41 pm

    Only state them once.

  13. They are all funny in their own way, but Terry's Thrilling Term is the one that had me rolling on the floor.

  14. LuceWoman's caption for TTT is the best.

  15. Oh these are great, especially the captions! :D

  16. Anonymous7:20 am

    There used to be a second hand bookshop in Lewes at the traffic lights on the crest of the high street. The owner put together an ever-changing window display of double entendre book covers which always drew a crowd. I think you'd have liked it. On another point, you'll never be a Lewesian, but it won't stop them liking you.

  17. I remember the shop well. I was very sad when it was replaced with yet another shop selling overpriced goods.
