Friday, October 22, 2010

"I'm fine at landscapes. I'm not bad at bodies. But I have a problem doing faces..."

"Don't worry. We'll sort something out..."

Published in Liverpool, printed in Romania, this is one of the most striking book covers I've come across.

Why didn't the photo-watercolour combination catch on?


  1. Extraordinary. Is it possible that it was one of those schemes where you send in a photo of your child and it gets placed on the front of the book?

  2. If I had a time machine, I'd zip back to 1985 with that business idea. I'd be a rich man now.

  3. Or possibly a winning submission in a
    "How To Make A Bad Illustration Worse" contest.

    Life before Photoshop............

  4. Anonymous11:15 pm

    My ghod her HAND! What happened to that poor girl's HAND?

  5. I think this new, 'with-it' edition is hoping to distract young people from the hypnotising effects of television. Yodelling, anyone?
