Friday, February 26, 2010

Found today in a book called "Fire!"

"I Margaret Grey do swear never to ask for money of my husband to support me. 23.5.82"


  1. Therein lies a tale.
    I hope she ran away and never had cause either to ask him for money, nor for anything else.

  2. Jesus, if that isn't a great find I don't know what is. Richard Yates would be proud. Such gravity.

  3. 1982 or 1882 do you think? The style of her declaration is quite formal, but then again she was probably trying to give it legal sounding weight. In 1982 23rd May was a Sunday - always a good day for a row in my experience. A quick net search revealed the following equally ludicrous and memorable events marking that day.
    • BBC warns Britain will bomb Argentina
    • Colin Wilson rides a surfboard 294 miles
    • Pope John Paul II declares "Peerke" Donders divine

  4. Presumably not Colin Wilson, the author of "The Outsider".

    I found this piece of paper in a memoir by the former Chief Officer of the London Fire Brigade in the 1930s.

    Was this paper used by the husband as a book mark, or did Margaret Grey decide that "Fire!" was safe place to hide it?

    Either way, as Mrs Trefusis says, therein lies a tale.

  5. A quick net search in another direction to that of simoom recovers the information that Margaret Grey has a MySpace page - on which, no doubt, she rants regularly about her desired financial independence. Of course, this may well not be the same Margaret Grey, in which case it must be the one to be found on IMDB as having starred in an "undetermined role" in the 1917 film "The Greater Woman"...

  6. An early pre-nup agreement?

    Such a lack of generosity of spirit/sharing on either side does not bode well for the marriage. I'll bet it didn't last.

    Perhaps she's no longer Margaret GREY if she has remarried or reverted to her maiden name since.
