Sunday, April 12, 2009

One good reason for watching 'Britain's Got Talent'

'Embedding disabled by request', apparently. However if you click on the screen it'll take you to the original YouTube site:

Apparently, Susan is now getting offers of work from the USA, prompting the Sun headline: Susan's Gone Virgin Atlantic.

John Self is already threatening to begin the Susan Boyle backlash.


  1. Anonymous8:04 am

    But what prompted the white shoes with black tights? Comforting that wonderfully eccentric people exist though. If, a bit alarming.

  2. Oh no! The new job IS slowing down his blogging! Aaaaaarrrgh!

  3. I haven't started the job yet. You can blame my mother - she's come to stay for a few days.

  4. Anonymous5:26 pm

    I would like to publicly apologise for my last comment. It was a bit bitchy, smug and mean, particularly in light of the fact I know now that Susan does have mild learning difficulties.
