Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This cheered me up...

I found this song on Graham Lineham's blog. It's funny and, I thought, strangely touching. Also, unlike a lot of music today, it actually sounds as if it was made in 2008.

The video looks as if it cost at least $30 to make, but that's part of its charm...

1 comment:

  1. Don't knock it - all very modern....

    I have spent the last week working with a management company putting together the launch of a new band ( I am 'credit crunch diversified' I have to eat, after all....) and the brief was pure '80 pastiche... apparently it's very 'now'.

    We spent the weekend dressing up 3 girls to look like "Bananarama meets Buffalo Girls meets Shampoo meets Hall and Oates" and taking photographs of them on street was bad enough the first time round - but as long as they keep writing the cheques.
