Thursday, November 06, 2008

Like a circle in a spiral, Like a wheel within a wheel...

I love this song, but Noel (son of Rex) Harrison's performance in this clip isn't his finest hour. He looks vaguely distracted, as if he's trying to keep a straight face whilst someone is felating him.

Epilectics should watch out for the crazy camera work and special effects:


  1. This is all part of that late 60s wave of singing with an english accent, isn't it? Like Peter Sarstedt (sic)'s "Where do you go to, my lovely" which I have to say just makes me crack up, ha ha ha , yes it does, whenever I hear it. And Anthony Newley's cockernee stylings of course.

  2. the Dusty Springfield version is a masterclass in musical, vocal phrasing - it's sublime.

  3. Well, I like this version. It will encourage me to find my vinyl copy of his record (which I hadn't heard for years). Thank you for posting it.

  4. There's a hideous rapped-over version doing the rounds now. By the way, Mr Steerforth, do you have an email address you're willing to share? I've come across a very extensive John Christopher article in one of my teetering piles of books and old magazines, and thought you'd like to read it--can send as a PDF.

  5. Thanks, that would be great.

    The address is

  6. For some reason I always confuse - or at least associate - this song with Terry Jacks' 'Seasons in the Sun.' Not sure why.

  7. 'Seasons in the sun' used to give me nightmares when I was a kid - apart from being a depressing song - the old school hall next to our house when I was a kid was used as a rehersal room by a pub band, they used to sing that over and over again night after night ( along with "I can't live, if living is without you" ).

  8. I love this song too, ever since I first saw the opening credits for The Thomas Crown Affair.

    Hello, by the way. I haven't visited you before but I look forward to reading your blog :)

  9. There was a version of this that sounded very Stranglers/Walk on By-ish that was used for an Aldi TV commercial c.2000.

    Anyone remember who it actually was?
